23 April 2010

Shaken, Not Stirred.

Yes, it's Friday, and a spring Friday in DC can only mean one thing: Happy Hour / Drinks / Debauchery.  I feel like I'm 17 with a month left of High School.  There's nothing I want to do more than... nothing (of importance, that is). Sadly, I actually remember riding by bars with outdoor seating on the Friday late bus thinking, 'I cannot WAIT to be that age. No homework, no tests to study for... Just fun!'  I will say, aside from the unfortunate addition of bills, budgets, work, the gym (as metabolism has a nasty, indirect relationship to age), and other miscellaneous responsibilities, it kind of ... is.. all that it was cracked up to be. 

Nothing makes me happier than sidewalk seating and hours of cocktails while people-watching and feeling the sun set with a cool spring breeze in the air. The young teen in me still gets giddy at the fact that I have no one from whom I must seek permission... I can continue as short or long as I desire. No one to answer to, no one to check in with, no one's mouth to feed, no one's self-esteem to boost (other than my own... with that next vodka gimlet...).

So.. as Happy Hour quickly approaches.. just wanted to cheers the interwebbings with a little cocktail hour mix of music.  Slainté !

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