29 April 2010

Best. T-Shirt. Ever.

So, during the work day, gchat stays up.  Busy, or not, I will have up to 3 or 4 main conversations going, with random 'Hey, what's up?'s throughout the day.  Staple convos include, my mom, a female friend I've known for 13 years who can pretty much make me laugh at anything (hereinafter referred to as Cheeks), and a few others, to be mentioned as necessary.

I've been known to have a dirty mouth, dirty mind and a dirty ability to drink my face off.  This isn't a fluke.  I've learned these exceptional talents from the two people who made me, whom I must say, have gotten extremely witty with age. As much as I hate forwards, the only two people I will accept them from are Ma and Pa Dukes.  If they're really good, I'll send them to Cheeks for a good laugh.

Today was no exception.

It's about 10:18am when I receive the following IM:
Mom: morning, I just found an icon on desktop, dad must have gotten it from one of his cronies........gross,
but I know you'll laugh at it and may know another 'sick' friend that may laugh [Cheeks]....just be careful when you open...it's only a pic, but not for all eyes to see......ok if I send?

me:  yes ma'am! send to gmail! :)
Body: I can't believe that there's a shirt like this!!!!!!!  Could you just imagine
meeting a guy in a saloon wearing this!?!?!?!?! 
I don't believe any further comment is necessary, except to say I sent it to as many appreciative friends as possible.  Good work, mom.

1 comment:

  1. I would propably propose to a guy on-the-spot if we were out on a date and he casually takes off his coat to reveal this shirt. Ahhh, where are the real men?

    I think my fave part about the whole thing is that your mom called it a saloon... <3 Babs.
