23 April 2010

How Did You Know?

Happy Friday.  As I'm sure many of you can relate, mornings are for my gmail account to be bogged down with deals, recommendations, recipes and the like for various sites... Like today, for example....

NYGiants Pro Shop - 50% OFF Entire Store
Live Nation - DC Concert Update
The Washingtonian - Homemade Brunch, Plume Review, a Coffee Obsession, and More!

Then, I received my daily 'Amazon.com recommends....'  Now, as I've mentioned, I'm a late-20-something... single, living alone, own my own car, fairly active social life.  Nothing more needs to really be said that isn't already implied.  But, as far as Amazon knows, I'm a late-20-something with a diverse taste in literature and .. sometimes electronics and gifts around the holidays.  How in the name of all internet marketing did they have these to recommend?

A TROJAN SUPRA Lubricated 36-Pack of Condoms.  I admit, I certainly utilize one or two from time to time... but Amazon has nothing to do with that.  I don't know whether to be slightly miffed or extremely appreciative.  Why, thank you, Amazon.  Have you been talking to Susan Miller? Should I be expecting a plethora of gentleman callers in the coming months?

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing.

    "Exes and OHs" paired with "Ethics in Health Administration"... great beach reads!
