29 April 2010

Maybe he meant P-H-A-T....

Ok, with the random assortment of backhanded comments (some unintentional, I understand), at least I can safely say I never bit anyone who verbally 'wronged' me...eegads!

Can you just imagine? In the heat of rage, I've definitely had the urge to smack someone, maybe punch, push, whatever... but I've never done it.  I usually put in my two cents of wit (which tend to be rather unladylike) and move on.  I may take boxing 4 times a week, but that doesn't mean I'm a violent person.  I get all my frustration out on the bag.  The bag who can't fight back.

No comment in the world would make me attack someone.... with my TEETH.  I just picture that scene in mean girls, when she hallucinates everyone turning into jungle animals, attacking at will. Apparently 21-year-old Anna Godfrey of Lincoln, Nebraska's animagus (total harry potter reference... what a nerd) is a Hyena.

Lesson learned: Keep the 'fat' talk to a minimum at parties, people. Especially in the Great Plains of Nebraska.

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